Healing from what happened in our childhoods isn’t easy – it takes a lot of heart, some real strength, and people who get it. We can all use support on this journey. Here, we know that every story matters, and we’re exploring tools and resources to help us feel better and make changes we want for ourselves. Reducing stress is important to preventing and stopping the harms of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which could include an increased risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Strong relationships and connections can help protect children even through stressful times, and can boost health and well-being for all of us. You’re not alone in this. Join us, and let’s build a brighter, healthier future together.
Your journey, your pace. Discover paths filled with insights, resources, and tools you may find valuable on your journey of healing and growth. Explore one path, mix two, or navigate all three – for a few minutes, an hour, a day, a week, or as long as you need. While each of our histories and struggles are unique, we’re all in this together.