Your Number Story


Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Nadine Burke Harris talk ACEs.



Healing is a journey

First and foremost, you are not alone. Two out of three of us have experienced ACEs.

Second, it’s important to understand that the ACEs we experienced as a child may impact how we function today.

The ways our body and brain adapted to protect us as kids oftentimes influences our adult body and brain.

Looking ahead

The good news is that we are resilient, and we can heal. The first step is to understand how ACEs or childhood adversity may have impacted us, maybe even in ways we didn’t recognize before.

The next step is to use strategies, healthy practices, routines, and tools to rewire our brain and body.

Embrace the journey

Because ACEs and toxic stress often work their way into many aspects of our lives, healing — for most of us — is a process, not a destination. For some, the barriers to healing are greater still due to racism, discrimination, poverty, and other factors. If we live somewhere we feel unsafe or where opportunities aren’t available, it can make our healing journeys harder.

The good news is, you can take the first step right here.

Take the first steps

Just like no one’s ACEs story is the same, no one’s healing journey is the same. And for some, we may want to involve a mental health or medical professional to assist us on this journey.

It may be easy to dismiss self-care as too simple to make a difference. But these tools are scientifically proven to have powerful effects on our brain and body. They can improve our mood, outlook, physical health, ability to think, and how we relate to others — especially when practiced over time. 

Where would you like to start?

Healthy Relationships