Las Vacaciones Son Duras; Es Hora De Cuidarse
It’s that time of year again, and I am sure you have noticed how fast the Holiday season is taking over stores. For some, this can trigger the body and create stress or dread….
Las Fiestas Pueden Ser Dolorosas
When someone first comes to Number Story, it’s not unusual for them to feel like, “Wow … I guess I’m not the only one who’s going through this!”
And that is so true. ACEs impact millions of people in the U.S. alone. In the original ACEs study, 62% of the adults surveyed said they’d experienced at least one ACE during their childhood and nearly a quarter said they’d experienced three or more.
And those numbers only included 10 specific types of childhood adversity, which included abuse, neglect, and household challenges.
(Click here to see the original 10 ACEs)
In the years since that first study, our understanding of childhood adversity — and its short- and long-term impact — has expanded. Thousands more studies have been conducted on different types of people with different life experiences.
Various studies are looking at other common childhood adversities — beyond the 10 in the original study — like:
The picture that’s emerging from these studies is that things like race, socioeconomic status, employment, education level, and gender/sexual identity can all play a role in raising a child’s risk for adverse effects from childhood adversity.
(Click here for more about the science beyond the 10)
If you’ve experienced childhood adversity — as defined by the original 10, experiences beyond the 10, or both — you are not alone. And if you’re experiencing things like anxiety, unexplained health issues, trouble sleeping, or depression, they may be linked to your childhood experiences.
We believe stories can help us recognize that we’re part of a larger conversation and be a powerful support in our healing journeys. Hear how others have put words to their experiences in our Get Lit Poetry Partnership and Camila Cabello’s talk with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. Explora the tools we have for healing, y learn more about the science of how we can rewire our brain and body to heal from the effects of ACEs.
It’s that time of year again, and I am sure you have noticed how fast the Holiday season is taking over stores. For some, this can trigger the body and create stress or dread….
[Content warning: Suicide.]
In recent years, during the month of Pride, I’ve always been extremely excited about the celebration—the glittery and colorful extravagance all throughout the month of June.
However, this year, I’ve taken a pause to really understand my journey, the one I’ve taken individually and the one the queer community is on at the moment. I feel blessed to live in West Hollywood in Los Angeles, one of America’s queer-friendly meccas, though the sparkle in my heart has dimmed as I feel increasingly more concerned for my community across the country where our safety, protections and rights are all at risk. Unfortunately, none of us are safe.
I’ve lived with bipolar disorder for the last 13 years. Though the initial years were brutal, once I understood my triggers and what it takes to stay well, I’ve been privileged to have stayed healthy for much of the last decade. This included — to my relief — my first pregnancy and post-partum period and serving in high-intensity public health roles through the pandemic, as California’s Acting Surgeon General and previously the office’s first Chief Health Officer.
I love music. Recently, I was listening to a random playlist Spotify generated for me when a song titled “Before I Have A Daughter” by Bre Kennedy started playing. Bre Kennedy sings about building a garden that grows on the same ground where tears have fallen and hearts have also been broken. Her goal is to learn to tend to this garden so that it flourishes on both the good and bad days.
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